
Well Guider is a team of Scholars and Experienced Professionals. The Goal is to guide people on Educational, Islamic and Social topics with well-detailed and authentic information.

group study

Group Study Advantages and Disadvantages – Self Study vs Group Study

It is a common question, “Is it better to study alone or in a group?”. And definitely, there are some advantages and disadvantages of group study or team-based learning. Success will be sure if every group member actively participates in the learning process without disturbing anyone. Group studying with peers provides an environment for each

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Tips to Avoid Girls

15 Tips to Avoid Girls | and Focus on Your Studies

Most educational institutes are co-ed. While there are advantages of co-education, there also exist disadvantages like the risk of dropping in moral ethics. When there is co-education exists in schools, colleges, and universities, there are possibilities for distractions toward the study. An opposite gender’s friendship is the main cause of this distraction. I’m talking about

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Laptop pic

Best Websites For Learning Authentic Islamic Knowledge – ONLINE Resources

Are you looking for the best Authentic Islamic Knowledge websites for learning and researching Islam? Here is a list of the top authentic and trusted websites owned by Islamic authorities. In this modern age of IT, learning Islamic knowledge is not very difficult but in an authentic way. If someone wants to seek Islamic knowledge,

Best Websites For Learning Authentic Islamic Knowledge – ONLINE Resources Read More »