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Is Bitcoin Halal or Haram? A Comprehensive Islamic Perspective on Cryptocurrency

So it’s Cryptocurrency Season again. We all have one question in our minds: is it okay to buy Bitcoin in Islam? Is it gambling or just a regular currency? And how does Bitcoin have its value? How is the value of Bitcoin created? These questions seem really straightforward but are actually hard to answer. So

Is Bitcoin Halal or Haram? A Comprehensive Islamic Perspective on Cryptocurrency Read More »


Is MacBook Good for College? | Why do Most College Students Use MacBook?

When a college or university starts, a lot of students look for a new computer/laptop, which they need for their studies. At that stage, students need to know whether they get an Apple or a Microsoft/Google-powered Laptop. Is a Macbook good for college students? Do you know at least 71% of College Students Prefer Macs

Is MacBook Good for College? | Why do Most College Students Use MacBook? Read More »