10 Tips to Study Consistently for Long Hours

Consistent study

Are you distracted from studies and can’t study consistently for Long Hours? I’m going to share with you the top tips to become consistent and regular in studies for long hours, weeks, or throughout the academic year. These study tips will help you beat procrastination and laziness in your studies. You can Increase Concentration using these study routines.

People will just tell you to work hard and be consistent but, they don’t tell you how to be consistent. I’ll share with you the best working tips that will help you study for long hours.

I’ll discuss the issues and causes that don’t allow us to be consistent in our studies as well in other activities of life. I am sure that these tips will help you adopt a continuous study style without any distraction which is based on my personal experience and deep research.

One thing you need to know is that overstudying is different from consistent studying. Your health is the most important factor when you are going to study for long hours. You can read about overstudying effect here.

So, let me discuss these study tips in detail.

Read also: Tips to focus on studies when depressed?

10 Tips to Study Consistently for Long Hours

1. First Know Your Studying Style

This is the most first point you need to consider. You have to look at your lifestyle and the routine of your studying.

Find out the problems which are not letting you concentrate on study. If you succeed to diagnose the problem which doesn’t let you study consistently, then you can adopt an appropriate trick that we are going to discuss.

Here are some reasons:

  1. You may be a victim of tension, depression, anxiety, or any other sadness which don’t let you be focused on your goals
  2. There may be a lack of interest in the study or in a specific subject
  3. There may be a hobby or other interesting activity that attracts you and you don’t prioritize your study
  4. There may be a relationship/friendship that distracts you to study

You have to deal with the problem which actually affects your studying style.

When you succeed to find out the reason that doesn’t let you study consistently, then you will succeed to find a perfect solution for your problem. Whether you are a student of a school, college, university, or a reading lover, you need to know what is the problem that you can’t focus on your study. Now let us discuss some effective solutions with you.

Plan your study after realizing your studying style and routine, you can plan your study well. You know your distractions and hurdles that interlink to your study. So you can neglect negative things in your life and can adopt some positive and helping ways the study that will let you study consistently.

Read also: Tips to Overcome Procrastination and Start Studying

2. Make a Study Routine/TimeTable

If you want to be consistent in your studies or in any other activity of your life, you need to work it with a plan. You should make a timetable according to your goals.

A proper timetable helps you to give proper time for each activity in your life. When you have a proper time for your study and no other distractions, then you can study consistently.

Don’t Allocate too Much Time to Study

Don’t make it difficult. Keep it easy and achievable for yourself. Make your timetable wisely. Add some breaks, hobbies, and fun to your timetable according to your interest and age level.

Adopt Pomodoro Technique

Studying consistently doesn’t mean studying one thing for long hours every day. Over studying can cause too many problems for your study as well as for your health. You should read the bad effects of overstudying.

Divide your Tasks into Small Chunks

When you planned your timetable A list of “To Do”. One task at one time can let you fully concentrate on your work. Your study goals should be clear while designing a timetable.

You can use a paper or mobile app for your scheduling. Use reminder apps and a clock that can help you follow the timetable. Maintain a study planner with deadlines. When you have a commitment to yourself, you will work for it to complete it within the deadline.

3. Warm-up yourself Before Starting

Get prepared before studying. Read your timetable and the task which you are going to study. Promise yourself to complete it within the available time. You may listen to a motivational speaker or a short clip of a success story. Keep all the necessary equipment ready at the study table.

Must take some refreshment but in limit. Revise the previous topic.

4. Hold Yourself Accountable Each Day

Accountability is a way of being consistent in your work. When you trace your progress each day, you are able to find the mistakes and good things in your routine.

Examine your performance at the end of the day. Count your achievements and good things that can motivate you. This is a general tip to be consistent in the study.

  • Don’t lie to yourself.
  • Never procrastinate your planned study.
  • Don’t Let Your Work on Tomorrow:

5. Make Your Study Interesting

To be consistent in your study, it is very important that you feel interested in what you are reading. You may be a student of the school, college, university, or any other person related to reading books. You may feel any book or subject is boring. So, it is important to make your study interesting.

Making your study easy will help you to be consistent for long hours:

  • Search for a physical example or video related to the topic
  • Discuss the complexity with your friends or teacher
  • Use technology in the study i.e. (E-books, laptops, or mobile)

6. Study Smarter, Not Harder

For being consistent in the study, it is important to study smartly. Understanding and gaining knowledge with full focus is the goal, not to serve too many hours sitting in a chair studying. Your main target is to understand and memorize the topic. When you feel the topic is boring, just leave it for once and try another way to learn by asking your teacher or friend.

Divide your topic into small parts and understand it rather than cram it. Make notes in your own words if you are a student. Try to make your study timetable easy. Don’t work continuously on the same topic and same position for long hours. Don’t overthink the results.

7. Arrange a Studying Place

You should arrange a separate place for your studying. It is important to arrange a place with no distractions. It may be a separate room or a corner where you can sit and study.

A good environment full of peace can help you to study consistently for long hours. You will memorize more things in a short time when you will be fully focused on your study.

8. Remove Distractions While Studying

Switch off to social media apps, chats, notifications, TV, and other distractions like these.

In fact, family and children can also cause distractions in the study. When you are free from distractions, you can study with concentration and consistently.

9. Take Study Motivation

It is the motivation that can help you be consistent in your life.

Study motivation keeps us on the study track. We give priority to our studies if we are motivated by the importance of the study.

10. Work on Your Health

If you are physically and mentally fit then you can perform best in your study. You should work on your health for consistent study.

Your health is the most important factor when you are going to study for long hours.

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Do some workouts and exercise to keep your muscles active. Take enough sleep for at least six hours. Never underestimate the importance of rest. Sleep is a critical step for converting short-term memory into long-term memory. Feed your brain study-friendly nutrition.


1. How many hours a day is ideal for studying?

4 to 5 hours of Study in a day are ideal for absorbing knowledge and for your health.

2. Is it possible to study 14 hours a day?

Yes, it is possible but not suggested to overstudy.

3. How do I enjoy studying?

If you understand the topic you are studying, you will definitely enjoy it.

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2 thoughts on “10 Tips to Study Consistently for Long Hours”

  1. Pingback: 8 Tips to Make Perfect Study Timetable - Study Schedule

  2. Pingback: 15 Tips to Avoid Girls | and Focus on your Studies

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